Tuesday 16 October 2018

Updating my All-Autograph Team

I participated in the Blog Bat Around last April for an All Autograph Team. At the time, my team was one man short. I didn't have a kicker.

A few weeks after that post, I decided to remedy the situation. I probably should have posted this purchase during the summer, but I didn't.

Here's my kicker:

1998 Ron Mix HOF Autographs - Platinum (#/2500)

It's nice to have a complete team. Should I insert this card into the previous post as an update?

Buying the Groza left me two cards short of the Browns team set. I decided to pick them up too.

1998 Ron Mix HOF Autographs - Platinum (#/2500)

I think that I might have to replace Leroy Hoard as the second running back on my team. Again, if I had a Jim Brown autograph, he would be on the team, but this Hall of Famer beats one of my early 90 favorites.

Speaking of replacing cards on the All-Autograph Team, I think this card may replace the Pro Line Otto Graham card that I have.

1998 Ron Mix HOF Autographs - Platinum (#/2500)

As I said earlier, these three cards complete the nine card Browns team set from the Ron Mix HOF Autographs - Platinum set. I was surprised to not find either Paul or Jim Brown in the set, but that sure saved me money. I'm happy to have this one complete.


  1. Those are super! I can't decide my favorite. That Groza is artwork from David Boss I think. Sure looks like it. Nice pickups!

    1. Thanks. I'm sure the Colts would be pretty nice for you to get.

  2. That is a great looking set, I don’t know if I have seen it before.

    1. Just so you're aware, the cards are postcard sized.

  3. These are awesome! Huge fan of the artwork. I considered building the Packers team set... but it was gonna cost me too much money.
