Monday 22 January 2018

Some Browns first round picks and Christmas packs 12 and 13

I mentioned in my last post that I had found some really nice deals at AZ Sports Cards in Phoenix when I met up again with Daniel from the It's like having my own Card Shop blog. I guess that is one of the good things about cheering for an unsuccessful team with plenty of disappointing first round draft picks.

I was shocked to find these two cards at such a low price.

I mean, really, that is way lower than I would expect to pay for Trent Richardson autographs on pretty cool cards. The Strata card was a redemption for somebody, possibly even the store. No matter, I was very happy to grab these cards at those prices.

I like that the store put the price tags on team bags that surrounded the card holders. Here are some better scans.
2012 Topps Strata Hobby - Clear Cut Rookie Autograph Relic Gold #CCAR-TR (#/99)
I like the signature on the plastic, and the cut out portion showing the piece of jersey.

2012 Topps Prime Hobby - Autographed Relics Level 5 #PV-TR (#/250)
No jersey number on the sticker autograph on this card. Just something that I noticed when I compared the two cards.

I also found another very inexpensive autographed rookie card of a former first round pick to add to my collection.
2006 SP Authentic #185 (#/1175)
Now I know that there are 1175 of these floating around, but I didn't have one, and was more than willing to buy it for so little.

I stayed in the store for a little while after Daniel left so he wouldn't have seen me pick up these two cards from inside the showcases in the store.

I think that I'm a sucker for clear plastic cards, especially autographed ones...

2014 Panini Elite - Rookie Inscriptions #24
 ...and, yes, even of this former first round pick.

Okay, that's unfair. I don't hate the guy. He wasn't the quarterback that I wanted them to pick when they did, but when he was picked I hoped for the best. I thought it was an ultimate boom or bust pick, and that there was a chance it would be a very good pick. It didn't work out, but it isn't as though he is the first Browns first round pick that didn't work out. I hope that he has gotten his personal life in order, and that he does return to football with the Hamilton Tiger Cats. If he does, I'll likely even go see him play when he comes to Ottawa.

This wasn't a two or three dollar card, but Manziel's autographs have really come down in price.

This next card is one that I regretted passing up when I saw one a few years ago, but wound up paying less for it by waiting. It is different than the preceding cards.

It isn't an autographed card, it is a memorabilia card instead, but not the usual piece of fabric.

It is a card featuring a Browns first round pick, but not an unsuccessful one.

2001 Topps Archives - Relic Seats #AS-JB
Yeah, again, I can be a sucker. This memorabilia piece has nothing to do with Jim Brown other than putting his rookie card on it, but it does have a piece of stadium seat from Cleveland Municipal Stadium. The scan does bring out the cracked paint on the seat. I love it!

I only saw one game at the old stadium. It was a win. What a nice feeling. I hope to experience it again some time.


With that, I'll move on to more of my Christmas baseball packs. This time we have two packs of...

...1990 Fleer! (Sadly, not the Canadian version.)

Pack 1:
We'll start with a nice Padres sticker.

I can't complain about finding Nolan Ryan in the first pack.

But to me it pales next to getting a card of my all-time hero, Gary Carter. No matter what anybody else says, this is a successful pack.

Pack 2:

Cool! Bo Jackson and Tim Raines. Not going to complain about the first part of this pack.

Trammell, Alomar, and Sandberg. Not too shabby. But I still think I prefer my Gary Carter.


  1. Lot's of fun stuff here for sure. I'll never figure out how Trent Richardson ended up being a bust. He had all the tools to be great.

    I have to admit that seeing Manziel go done in flames didn't break my heart. Most of my family are Texas Aggies though and it just about killed them. LOL

    I'd love to see the Browns go back to their classic unis. There was no excuse for changing them. I was in Cleveland a couple of time for conferences and regret I never got to see the stadium.

    Nothing wrong with '90 Fleer. It had a nice mix of portrait and action shots, team logos, team color trim

  2. That Jim Brown seat relic is sweet. I've been eyeballing the Bart Starr card from that set for years.
