Sunday 13 September 2015

Weekend mail pick-up

The Browns once again lost their season opener and are now 1-16 in their season openers since coming back into the league in 1999, winning in 2004.
Last Browns QB to win a season opener - 2004 Upper Deck Sweet Spot #22

I believe that Josh McCown became the 23rd different QB to start a regular season game for the Browns since 1999. He lasted one series before leaving with a concussion.
Penalties ruined some good plays, and the defense didn't play to expectations. If the Browns play like this all year, it will be another long one.
I attended two card shows this weekend, one on Saturday in Syracuse, and the other a very quick visit to a card show in Ottawa on Sunday before heading out to watch football. I came back from Syracuse with over 100 Browns cards for my collection, but only added one from the Ottawa show. I'll show some of those cards later this week. I also found a few cards for others. I'll have to send some packages out soon.
A couple of purchases arrived by mail this week. For 2015 Topps, I've now got my first buyback cards:
Unlike some baseball card buybacks that I've heard about, these cards were in good shape, and fit in my team collection over 30 years after they first came out.
For anyone wanting to trade, I've pulled these:
Another card that arrived, that I've wanted since it came out in 1992, is this Action Packed 24Kt. Gold stamped beauty!
Touchdown Tommy - sadly not with Cleveland

I pulled other 24Kt Gold stamped cards back then, but never managed to get any of the Browns that I wanted. (I'll show another one sometime soon after it arrives in the mail.)
Another auction, a lot of Greg Little RCs that I managed to win on ebay, featured the following Crown Royale Jewel Rookies Autographed Gold card numbered 8/10.
It was for eight Greg Little RCs. I needed four of them. Not a bad purchase for $0.99 plus shipping.
I'll be scanning most of the new cards that I bought and adding them to the trading card database. It should be a fun week.
Hopefully next Sunday will make me a little happier about the football season having started. At least I have the Mets to watch until then.

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