Wednesday 9 September 2015


As the new NFL season begins, I felt that it was time to kickoff this blog. It will mostly deal with football cards, primarily Cleveland Browns cards, but I'll also be posting my thoughts on anything else that interests me at any given time.
 Last year, I restarted my Cleveland Browns collection, and while looking around the internet discovered the Trading Card Database. A great resource, it became a regular hangout. I've entered my Browns card collection into the database and added many scans to the site since I joined in October.
I believe that this was my first scan added to the database
Something that the Trading Card Database introduced me to was card blogs. I have had a great time reading many of the blogs, and following links on their sites to even more blogs. I have even reached out to some of the bloggers and sent a few packages of stuff that I knew that would fit in their collection where they would be appreciated.
How do I define my collection? Well, there was a great post at Night Owl Cards that was very similar to my mindset.
We can all identify basic Cleveland Browns cards but I also include cards where players are identified as part of another team, but still in their Browns uniform, or vice versa:
Still a Browns card
Also a Browns card
I also consider college cards of players that were drafted by the Browns whether the cards came out before or after their careers.
Soon to play first regular season Browns game

Browns Hall of Fame career

This did lead to the biggest dilemma of my collecting. Did I really want cards like the following to be part of my collection?

It fits my criteria, but leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. It brings back horrible memories, and brings me back to a time where I really didn't watch the NFL for about a year and a half.

In the end I decided that yes, it was still a Browns card, and I would collect it. It still hurts to look through my 1996 cards but some of those cards are the last cards of favorite players in my favorite uniform.

While this blog is very simple and boring looking with today's inaugural post, expect many changes as I teach myself how to do more on here. I hope to set up a wantlist soon.

I'll leave with a fun card:

Here we go, Brownies, here we go! Woof! Woof!



  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, Angus! I've gone ahead and added you to my blogroll.

  2. Welcome to the World of blogging! It's fun, but it can be addictive...and it gets time consuming too! I've had a couple of posts that took me half a day to create, and I still haven't tackled some of the bigger topics I want to cover. There are not a lot of football themed card blogs so hopefully you will find a wide audience.
