Monday 18 July 2016

Quick update - on my way to San Diego

I've been meaning to post but didn't.

My friend absolutely loved the Bowman Martin/Rizzuto card (from last post) that I gave him. He seemed to start shaking slightly when he realized what it was, and couldn't speak for a moment. You could tell that he was affected by receiving the card.

First he wanted to pay for it, but I would have none of that. Not much of a gift if I let him pay me back. He told me that I had no idea what the card meant to him. That card (well, not the exact one that I gave him!) was the first baseball card that his father gave to him when he was a little boy. It definitely brought back great memories for him. It was great to see.

Anyway, as the subject of the post above says, I'm on my way to San Diego. I'm going to Comic Con, and look forward to a lot of fun. I don't look forward to the crowds, they aren't as fun.

As well, I'll be going to a concert on Thursday night - Straight No Chaser is playing in San Diego. Always a great show!

No cards to post, so I'll leave two videos - one from Straight No Chaser, and one from my friend Danielle Allard, who I was happy to see in concert last Wednesday night at the Ottawa Bluesfest. (Oh, what an old name that it still little Blues to be heard anymore.)

Straight No Chaser's version of Radiohead's Creep:

Danielle Allard's Shipwreck:


And I'll try to post from my hotel room in San Diego.


  1. Have fun at comic con! That has always been a lifelong dream of mine to get there. The Hudson Valley comic expo is this weekend and I plan to visit that.

  2. I was just in San Diego in Apri. Love everything about that town. Have fun at Comic Con and the concert.

  3. Oh man... I've always wanted to go to Comic Con. Have fun!
